Unit UAR3033/US001


UAR3033/US001 is a support unit supported by the CNRS, the University of Bordeaux and Inserm. It includes a technology park comprising 8 biophysical and structural biology platforms, common services and an administrative service. The platforms are open to the Bordeaux and national scientific communities, as well as to industrial users. The Unit offers access to technological platforms, technical expertise and the development of new methods in biophysics and structural biology.  Our staff also provide user training.


Labels Plateforme et Politique Qualité

The platform has held the IBiSA label since 2011 (https://www.ibisa.net/plateformes/biophysico-chimie-structurale-bpcs-300.html#mapid)

Approved as an open facility by the University of Bordeaux in 2019, the IECB facility is a major player in the Bordeaux site's major cross-disciplinary research programmes within the Health Technology Department. (https://www.u-bordeaux.fr/en/research/research-organisation/platforms)

The facility has been certified to NF X50-900 and ISO9001:2015 quality standards since 2017.