Démarche Qualité
Quality policy

Plateforms' charter

Quality handbook (soon available in english)

demarche qualite

Quality approach is based on the NFX 50-900 version 2016:

System integrating a quality management system ISO 9001: 2015.

Requirements for the technological platforms of Research in Life Sciences

politique scientifique et qualite

Since January 2008, the platform has been integrated into the Bordeaux Functional Genomics Center (CGFB), which brings together

and makes available to the scientific community a wide range of equipment. Labeled Infrastructure in Biology Health and Agronomy (IBiSA) since 2011,

access to platform instruments is therefore regulated in accordance with the charter of this Group of Scientific Interest.

By adopting the IBiSA charter, the platform is committed to wide-ranging openness at the regional, national and international levels, academic and industrial.


Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie
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