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Synopsis :
Electrospray ionization is widely used in mass spectrometry. But to what extent is the solution structure conserved in the gas phase?
Using ion mobility, we found that DNA duplexes are much more compact in the gas phase than in solution. The compaction is due to progressive desolvation and declustering upon electrospray, as suggested by molecular modeling.
Find out more in our open access article: ACS Cent Sci. 2017 May 24; 3(5): 454–461. doi: 10.1021/acscentsci.7b00084

Journal Scope:

ACS Central Science publishes the most compelling, important primary reports on research in chemistry and in allied fields, wherein chemical approaches play a key role. It is also the first fully open access journal published by the American Chemical Society.
Popularized almost 40 years ago, the term "central science" is frequently used to describe chemistry's focal role in bridging the physical and life sciences, and the basic sciences with applied disciplines such as medicine and engineering.
ACS Central Science is a multidisciplinary journal that aims to publish articles of exceptional quality and interest to the broad chemistry and scientific community. The journal addresses important advances in fundamental areas of chemistry, as well as applied and interdisciplinary research highlighting the seminal role of chemistry in a wide range of other scientific disciplines.
The Editors anticipate publishing no more than 200 articles per year, placing a premium on articles deemed to be of exceptional scientific quality, originality, significance, and breadth of interest to the global chemistry community. New journal articles appear online as soon as they are ready for publication, and the journal publishes online monthly issues.
ACS Central Science is entirely open access, with no subscription fees or article publishing charges for authors. The review process is stringent and efficient. The journal publishes a diverse selection of reviews, interviews and commentary material.

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