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IECB: Looking to the future 2015 Part A, open to all, no registration!
8th Workshop (Part A) of candidates for group-leader positions in Cancer Research at IECB

Szilvia SOLYOM John Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA 9h15
Impact of human retrotransposons on cancer
Antoine KARNOUB Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA 10h00
Multifunctional roles for tumor-associated mesenchymal stem cells in malignancy
Alexandre CALON IRB, Barcelona, SPAIN 10h45
A TGF-β-driven program in stromal cells mediates progression to metastasis in Colorectal Cancer
David SANTAMARIA CNIO, Madrid, SPAIN 11h30
Heterogeneity among early-stage K-Ras driven lung adenocarcinoma predicts tumour aggressiveness and identifies novel therapeutic targets
Hesso FARHAN Univ. Konstanz, GERMANY 12h15
Polarity signaling on endomembrane and its role in migration and invasion of cancer cells

Lieu : IECB
Contact : Jean-Louis Mergny, Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.


Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie
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