Home News An insider perspective on the EU programme T3net
An insider perspective on the EU programme T3net

An insider perspective on the EU programme T3Net

In 2009, Filipa and Isabel joined the lab of Elisabeth Génot at IECB in the context of a Marie Curie initial training network (ITN): T3net. This EU-funded programme, which brings together 11 academic and industrial partners, aims at providing European PhD students and post-docs with a topnotch training in tissue transmigration. 

What is T3NET?

Filipa: T3Net stands for “Tissue Transmigration Training Network”. 8 academic partners, from France, Germany, Italy, Israel, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK, as well as 2 companies and one open university participate in the network. The aim of this Marie Curie action is to train young professionals in cutting-edge technologies in the field of invasive cell migration.

On a day-to-day basis, what does it mean to be part of this network?

Isabel: Mobility! First, T3Net gave us the opportunity to undertake a PhD outside of our home country. Then, during the programme, we benefit from mobility grants to participate in the activities set up in the frame of the network. For instance, every year, all the trainees – we are twelve – attend a training course organized by one of the partners. Last time, we went to Israel for training course in automated microscopy and cell mechanics. In addition to this, we participate in the annual network symposia.

Filipa: Overall, mobility means that we have the opportunity to interact with far more people working in the field that we would in the context of a regular PhD. I like the fact that we can learn not only from senior researchers but also from peers – PhD students and post-doctoral fellows from the network.

What could be the outcome of such a programme for you?

Isabel: At the end of the programme, we will be close to be operational in academic, clinical and industrial settings. There are many options… but first we need to complete our PhD! I think my priority after the PhD will be to gain further experience in research, through a post-doc position abroad.

Filipa: With some additional experience, it is also possible to come back in our home countries. In fact, by participating in this network, we become eligible to “PhD returns” European funding schemes.

To learn more about T3NET, visit the network website: www.t3net-itn.org

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